Here's what we do at SyntheticSM


  • Researchers, designers and developers of AI rely on our innovative, downloadable AI software solutions.


  • We create recorded AI R&D project software for various areas of AI research, design or development.


  • We offer downloadable AI enhanced computer programs for research, design, and development projects.


  • Enhance and facilitate technical project activity by way of downloadable chatbot software that utilizes AI.


  • We have commercial telepresence robots for remote presence and technical community collaboration.


  • Humanoid robots with communication and learning abilities to assist in scientific research.


  • We even provide a variety of tactical robots for various specialized commercial applications and missions.


  • Synthetic researches, engineers, and builds laboratory robots. We also consult on maintenance, and more.


  • We are trusted and respected consultants in the field of artificial intelligence and AI enhanced technologies.


  • We provide technology support, including general technology consulting for AI software customization.


  • We're pioneers in artificial intelligence research and have the data to enhance external AI research projects.


  • We're also pioneers in advanced artificial intelligence product research for any external technology project.


  • AI as a service, featuring software using AI for technical facilitation of robot activity and AI projects.


  • We even lease entertainment-based, AI enhanced robots for public events and demonstrations of abilities. 


  • Additionally, we offer re-recorded USB Flash Drives using artificial intelligence for AI research & design.





Partners, At Your Service


As a strategic partner, our role at SyntheticTM, is to significantly contribute to overcoming any of your organization's greatest challenges. Through close collaboration and a deeper understanding of your objectives, we work hard to solve tough problems.


We specialize in developing new AI products and AI services that will address your unique commercial challenges. Synthetic can now leverage cutting-edge machine learning algorithms, and the subset of deep learning, among many other techniques, to develop intelligent solutions that deliver more tangible results.


Research, Design, Development



At Synthetic, we are at the forefront of artificial intelligence research. Our team leverages a vast array of data resources and cutting-edge methodologies to push the boundaries of what is possible in AI. 


We offer a variety of downloadable AI-enhanced computer programs designed to support research, design, and development teams. These programs include: tools for full data analysis, machine learning model simulation and development - all aimed at accelerating research, design and development.

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